Thursday, July 24, 2008

Agenda 7/24/08 Leadership Work Group Meeting

Blueprint for Mansfield’s Children
Leadership Work Group Meeting #2

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Mansfield Town Hall, Council Chambers
5:30-7:30 PM
Light Dinner Available
Childcare Stipends Available

Desired Outcomes: - LWG Members will become aware of the status of the grant award
-LWG Members will adopt minutes of the 6/19/08 meeting
-LWG Members are grounded in the timeline of the project
-LWG Members have identified data and information available to provide a picture of the issues impacting Mansfield’s children and families.
-LWG Members have identified the individuals and groups they will need to connect with to learn more about the issues.
-LWG Members have determined the next steps necessary toward preparing for gathering this data and information.

Dinner, Announcement,
Welcome, present status of grant award and adopt minutes of June 19, 2008 meeting

Review Project Time Line
See Time Line to gauge where we are presently and what we want to accomplish by summer’s end

What Do We Know About Mansfield?
-Reflect on issues identified about young children by the Mansfield 2020 town-wide strategic plan
-What has been learned in the MAC committees so far?
-What has the group experienced or heard professionally or personally?

Learning More About the Issues
-What do you need in order to learn more about the issues and how they impact Mansfield’s children and families?
-What data/information would you like to have?
-Who are the people (individuals and groups) that you need to talk to?
-Who, on the LWG, has access to this data/information/people?

How Do We Organize this Work?
Large group or small group? Co-Chairs discuss options with the group
Terry and Raluca

What Do We Want to Achieve by 8/28
Discuss what we want to accomplish to move the work forward by the August meeting.

Next Steps
Action Plan for the next month. Who will be do what?

Next Meeting
Next Leadership Work Group Meeting – August 28, 2008, at 5:30-7:30PM in Town Hall, Council Chambers. Light dinner available.
Please R.S.V.P.

Submitted by: Sandy Baxter, 860-429-3338,

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Mansfield Children's Blueprint

Traditionally, a blueprint is a technical drawing used by architects or engineers. However, the term “blueprint” has come to mean any plan that charts a course to accomplish something and details exactly how this goal will be accomplished. Community blueprints are plans that are developed with input from broad audiences, with the idea of allowing the community as a whole to agree upon a set of top priorities and to provide a detailed plan by which the different community entities will work together to achieve certain changes within the community.

The Town Mansfield applied for and received a grant from the William C. Graustein Memorial Fund and the State of CT Early Childhood Cabinet to develop a community-wide blueprint to improve the lives and success of the young children in Mansfield, ages birth to eight. We are just beginning this community plan, and are eager to involve anyone in the community who would like to be involved.

This grant affords Mansfield an opportunity that is rarely available. It is an opportunity for Mansfield to have an effort that is solely dedicated to determining how we want to move forward as a community to improve the lives of our young children and make them more successful. Specifically, this community plan gives us a chance to think hard about what comprehensive and system-wide reforms we need. Rather than focusing on individual programs or schools, our efforts will work on how the community works together – across programs and departments and sectors – to improve the lives of young children. At the end of 12 months, we aim to have a comprehensive plan that the entire community agrees upon.

The first step is to develop a Leadership Work Group, a group of leaders who can dive into the details and guide this plan to completion. The Mansfield Advocates for Children (MAC) is the group that will convene the planning process and serve as the champion of this initiative and recruit the Leadership Work Group. Our goal is for this Leadership Work Group is to be inclusive and capable of reaching out to and consulting with all segments of the community. Immediately after we form this Leadership Work Group, our next step is to articulate our vision for early care and education and then collect and analyze data to identify the most pressing gaps and hardships that children and families in Mansfield face that make it challenging to achieve this vision. Once we identify our proposed gaps, we will present the draft to the community to determine if these are the same gaps that everyone else is experiencing. After we as a community agree on the major gaps, we will draft specific strategies to address these gaps. For example, if we learn that there is insufficient infant and toddler care to meet the demand, a strategy might be to work with current providers to learn what is needed to expand the slots in the community. After we collectively agree on the strategies to address the gaps, we will document baseline data and set benchmarks and targets for the plan, creating a way to measure progress and to hold ourselves accountable.

How long does all of this planning take? This is a 12-month process, with the plan completed by June 30, 2009.

If you are interested in getting involved, we would love to work with you! Please contact Sandy Baxter 860-429-3338,

MAC Mission and Roles

The Mansfield Advocates for Children-MAC, (formerly Mansfield School Readiness Council) is an advisory committee composed of volunteers who are appointed by the Town Council and Mayor of Mansfield.

The mission of this body is: “To contribute to the positive development of all young children in Mansfield.”

MAC maintains a relationship with the Mansfield Board of Education, the Town Council and the Mayor. These relationships are important to sanction the work and vision of this group. The connections between Town leadership and MAC represent a clear and valuable commitment to the issues of early care and education by the Town and school district leadership. Regular communication between MAC and these entities is a priority for MAC.

Mansfield Advocates for Children views the following as its Roles:

To improve access to quality early care and education for young children in Mansfield.
To provide leadership for Mansfield on early care and education issues.

To increase awareness and understanding of early care and education issues among members of Mansfield.
To advocate for long-term investment in early care and education by the community and municipal government.
To empower parents to have an active voice and role in early care and education issues in Mansfield.
To evaluate opportunities for funding, training, and support.
To gather early care and education data and make use of these data to improve the lives of young children in Mansfield.
To identify, promote and publicize programs and resources for early care and education for Mansfield families.
To recruit and orient new members so that there is diverse representation of all constituents of Mansfield on MAC.
To be active in the work of improving early care and education in Mansfield, not only to be advisory in nature. Some of the topics we have been actively involved in are: Full Day Kindergarten research and survey; obtaining State of CT funding for families in need of support for early care and education; working with the UConn Provost’s Council on their survey on childcare needs in the University of Connecticut Community.

Developed 12/01/04
Submitted by: Sandra Baxter,
Mansfield School Readiness Coordinator

2008-2009 Monthly Meeting Calendar

All Meetings Will Take Place in Town Hall Council Chambers

Fourth Thursday-(Some Dates may change)

Meeting Dates
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
*Please R.S.V.P 429-3338

Mansfield’s Know Your Town Fair will take place on Saturday, September 6, 2008 in the Mansfield Community Center 10:00AM-12:00Noon.

Respectfully submitted 6/19/08
By Sandy Baxter, 429-3338,

Charge of the Leadership Work Group

· Create a planning process that is community-based and inclusive, with ongoing feedback mechanisms to make best efforts to keep the public informed of the status of the planning process, and to solicit public involvement in that process.
· Coordinate the community planning process and the preparation of the plan, under the guidance of Mansfield Advocates for Children and in consultation with community participants, staff and the Planning Consultant.
· Identify and explore key data sources that are indicators of the overall well-being of young children in Mansfield, including major community assets and resources, as well as gaps in services and unmet needs.
· Review a list of issues already identified as part of the town-wide Strategic Planning effort, data collected by MAC Infant/Toddler committee, and the MAC Parents committee in their 1-on-1 Listening Campaign as a starting point for the plan, as well as review other plans and initiatives underway to ensure alignment of the various plans and efforts.
· Create a vision for young children in Mansfield that is supported by MAC’s vision and supports the “Ready by 5, Fine by 9” goals.
· Propose goals, priorities, and outcomes, and seek feedback on these proposals.
· Propose timelines for responsibilities, management, and monitoring of outcomes and seek feedback on these proposals.
· Serve as a resource and advisory committee to Mansfield Advocates for Children, staff, the project facilitator and community participants.